Bem-vindo a Tríplice Solar

Empresa de Energia com qualidade da pré-venda a manutenção.

Orçamento Solar

A Energia do Futuro

 A energia solar, além de ser renovável, é limpa e não causa danos ao ecossistema, pois não é retirado da natureza, não causando então, “desequilíbrios” ambientais.

This 0.603MW Solar Plant inspired by the Climate Reality Project was built in Japan with help and support from many individuals and organizations including the Japanese Government and TEPCO. In 8 months of operation, over 1000 trees worth of CO2 was absorbed.
Mt Fuji (a World Heritage Site) is visible from the drone but not from the site and vice versa.
This plant was built to address climate change due to human induced global warming , and to decrease nuclear reactors after Fukushima.
(Quote: Mine fossilized carbon naono-materials to build the space elevator, not to burn.)

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